Our Mission
“To help everyone experience the personal mobility, freedom, and joy of cycling”

The Cycling Without Age Story
For many people, a loss of mobility can mean the simple joys of getting outside to visit the park, chat with your neighbors, or even run to the grocery store can be a thing of the past. Thanks to an idea coming out of Denmark involving the humble bicycle, there’s an easy way to bring those moments back. It’s called Cycling Without Age and we’re proud to bring it to seniors of Minneapolis and St Paul.
Our Guiding Principals
•Generosity •Slow •Storytelling •Relationships •Without Age

Take a Joyride With Us
Use your ride with Cycling Without Age – Twin Cities to check out the renown Twin Cities bikeways, go grocery shopping, or visit a nearby park. It’s a guarantee that the end of the ride will find big smiles on the faces of the pilot and the passenger. In fact, the most common comment afterwards is “that made my day.”
How to Book a Ride
First, check to see if you live in one of our hub neighborhoods. If so, sign up to become a passenger by clicking the button in the section below. Next, book a ride for yourself by using our Ride Reservation Application, calling us, or contacting the ride coordinator at your residence.
For Senior Caregivers
Getting out to feel the wind in their hair could be the highlight of the day for your mom, dad or special friend. Many rides are booked on behalf of our passengers by their caregivers. Follow the steps above to book a ride that will make their day.

Sign Up to Become a Passenger Today

We Need Volunteer Cyclists, Too
Our e-bike trishaws are easy to drive and we’ll train you after you contact us by phone or email. After being trained, you will use our website to indicate the date and times you’re willing to provide rides. Once a passenger books a ride, you’ll get an email the details and you and your passenger take it from there.